Role & Responsibilities of Test Manager and Tester

Role & Responsibilities of Test Manager and Tester

Tasks performed by these people depend on the project and the product types, on people involved in the development process (stakeholders and actors), and on the software company.


A test leader wears different titles such as a manager, or a test coordinator. The test leader role may be assigned to the project manager, development manager, test team manager or quality manager. There maybe two projects leaders in big projects: test leader and test manager. As a rule, role of test leader tends to include involvement in planning, monitoring, control of testing processes and tasks.


Test manager may be tasked with:


  • coordinating test strategies and test plans with project managers and other people;
  • implementing a testing strategy for a particular project and developing the organizational testing policy;
  • coordinating all testing activities with other project processes, such as integration planning;
  • drawing test plans based on risk management and risk analysis, including selection of testing methods, time evaluation, labor costs, testing costs and availability of resources, determining cycles and levels of testing, and incident management planning;
  • creating test specifications, preparing, writing and executing tests, monitoring and control of test results, verifying exit criteria;
  • creating customized test plans according to test run results and testing progress (sometimes documented in reports), as well as decision-making and taking action to solve problems;
  • obtaining adequate configuration management tools to ensure testability.


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Tester may be tasked with:


  • reviewing and supplementing test plans;
  • analyzing, reviewing and evaluating testability of user requirements, models and specifications;
  • creating test specifications;
  • setting up a test environment (often in conjunction with system administrators and network managers);
  • preparing and receiving test data;
  • developing test cases for each test level, executing tests, documenting test run results, evaluating outcomes and documenting deviations in the results;
  • using, if necessary, test administration or test management tools, as well as the monitoring tools;
  • running automated tests (this goal is achieved with the support from a developer or an automation expert);
  • measuring the performance of components or the system (if necessary);
  • reviewing tests developed by other testers.
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