What Does Website Testing Involve?

What Does Website Testing Involve?

It necessarily includes:


HTML / CSS testing


Make sure that there are no HTML syntax errors.

Make sure that your website is available for search engines.

Make sure that your website has an exact XML and HTML sitemaps.


Be aware of useful functional testing tools: Selenium, JUnit, Linux Test Project, Usersnap (manual testing), Sprinter by Hewlett Packard Enterprise (manual testing), Browserstack (manual and automated testing).


Clicking through this link is a way to learn more about functional testing:



Website usability testing


Usability testing involves evaluating your website with a group of representative users. This helps to determine whether or not the product meets expectations of its users, identifies web user interface challenges and issues.


Testing website navigation includes the following steps:


  • all web pages are easy to read and use;
  • buttons, forms and fields are user friendly;
  • main menu is accessible from each web page.


Checklist for testing web content:


  • absence of grammar, spelling mistakes;
  • images save at right size and are located correctly;
  • check color palette and font sizes for optimization;
  • content must be informative, structured, understandable, and logically related;
  • instructions must be clear and understandable and provide timely and accurate information.


At last, for testing your web resource usability just answer these questions:


  1. Is your website is understandable, readable and convenient?
  2. Is navigation good?
  3. What impression does it produce on the user?
  4. Are there unnecessary and excessive things?


Useful usability testing tools: Reflector, User Zoom, Loop11.

Follow the link https://geteasyqa.com/qa/software-testing-types/ to obtain more information on usability testing.


GUI testing


GUI testing is done to check if graphical user interface satisfies its specification.


There are types of web UI testing:


  • verification of compliance with GUI standards;
  • evaluation of design elements: colors, fonts, font sizes, icons, layout, text boxes, text formatting, buttons, captions, lists, pictograms, links;
  • testing a website at different screen resolutions;
  • testing of localized versions: accuracy in translation, verifying the length of names and UI elements, etc.
  • testing of user interface on the target devices such as smartphones and tablets.


You may use cost-effective outsourced website testing service to save yourself the trouble of performing non-core activity and avoid the risk of developing low-quality e-commerce resource.


Useful GUI testing tools: iMacros, FitNesse, Coded UI, LoadUI, Jubula,.

More information can be found here – https://geteasyqa.com/qa/software-testing-types/.

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